We are recruiting Youth Activities Volunteers
We invite applications for Youth Activities Volunteers to support the delivery of social, recreation and sports activities for children, young people and young adults in Milang and surrounds.
The role will be supervised and supported by the Volunteer Coordinator and work closely with Reclink’s Youth Activities Coordinator to support these activities.
For more information please download the Volunteer Position Description below. If you have any further questions, or to apply for this role, please contact MOSHCC on 8537 0687.

Youth Activities Volunteers
I would like to express interest in volunteering at the Youth Activities in Milang. Please advise to whom I send my resume and cover letter and their email address.
Hi Lisa, please call through to the MOSHCC on 08 853790687 and arrange a call back from our Volunteer Coordinator, or feel free to send through attention the Volunteer Coordinator to reception@moshcc.com.au